Monday, September 3, 2007

Ilustration Friday/Animal Alphabet "A" to "Z"

Alligator, Beaver, Chimp & Chicken, Duck, Elephant,

Fox , Giraffe, Hippo, Ibex, Jaguar, Kangaroo, Lion, Mink, Nightingale, Otter, Penguin, Quail, Raccoon, Skunk, Tiger, Ulysses Butterfly, Vulture, Wolf, Xenops, Yack Zebra.



this is great...really, all the illustrations on your blog are wonderful!

Unknown said...

I can see that you are very experienced. It looks like its easy for you to draw these characters. They say the good ones make it look easy! Thanks for posting, it has inspired me to keep at it...

Unknown said...

this is beautiful!!! i love your style!

trudette said...

What a lovely idea, very nicely done.

elizabeth said...

wow, what an array of animals, and all presented together in a coherent composition. I'm very impressed. And I agree with messy fish that you make it look easy-- I really must practice drawing animals more!

Unknown said...

What a party!! Wonderful lively illo!

JO said...

Wonderful concept, and nicely done.


wow! this is incredible.

Ginger*:) said...

Marvelous Michelle!

Annie said...

this is really wonderful!

steve said...

Haaaa!!! Love it Michelle!!

Honor said...

Thanks for the comment. Love your idea for this week, think the elephant is my favourite. The expression is too cute!

Anonymous said...

Nice gentle style and feel to it. Not sure exacty what it is about it, but I really like it. Makes me smile.

Dan Shultz said...

Very nicely done - great idea too.

Deb Johnson said...

awesome idea! i love your puppies, too!

Bernardo Díaz Carrizo said...

Gracias por tu comentario.
Hacia donde se dirigen esos arca de Noé!!!
jajajajajaj, buen trabajo

Random York said...

Mighty wonderful!

Anonymous said...

talk abourt a parade of animals going by, you got it.
really need to blow this up tp appreciate all the work. its amamzing. michael dailey

Laura A. Dalesandro said...

I love your work! Great blog!

Ken said...

great blog, your drawings are beautiful! And so are your dogs - I love border collies!

Alexiev said...

Very pretty animals... they go for zoo? or they escape of the man?

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Alexiev Store

Josh (musarter) said...

Great Alphabet. I thought about doing something similar but I got bogged down just thinking about it. I like you execution and the unique charactor all the animals have. Great work!

Suzanne Dargie said...

That is a great idea! I would've had trouble at X. U, I probably would have done the old Umbrella Bird.
The drawing reminds me of Noah's Ark, a toy I always wanted for myself......but never had.